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How To Reset TP-Link WiFi Extender? [3 Easy Methods]

Resetting your TP-Link WiFi extender can be necessary in various situations, such as troubleshooting connectivity issues or restoring it to factory settings. A reset clears any customized settings and returns the extender to its default configuration. In this article, we will guide you through three easy methods to reset your TP-Link WiFi extender, ensuring a fresh start for optimal performance. Whether you have a range extender, a powerline extender, or a mesh extender, these methods are applicable to most TP-Link models. Let’s dive in and learn how to reset your TP-Link WiFi extender.

Method 1: Using a Reset Button

Resetting your TP-Link WiFi extender using the reset button is a straightforward method. Follow the steps below to reset your extender:

  • Locate the reset button on your TP-Link WiFi extender. It is usually a small hole labeled “Reset” or “R” on the device.
  • Take a paperclip or a pin and gently press and hold the reset button for about 10 seconds. Make sure to apply steady pressure.
  • Release the reset button after 10 seconds. The extender’s LED lights may blink during this process, indicating that the reset is in progress.
  • Wait for the extender to reboot. This can take a few moments.
  • Once the extender has rebooted, it will be restored to its factory default settings.

Note: Resetting your TP-Link WiFi extender will erase any customized settings, including network names (SSIDs) and passwords. You will need to set up your extender again after the reset.

Using the reset button is a quick and reliable way to reset your TP-Link WiFi extender. However, if you are unable to locate or access the reset button, or if you prefer an alternative method, continue reading for additional options.

Method 2: Using TP-Link Tether App

If you have the TP-Link Tether app installed on your smartphone or tablet, you can reset your TP-Link WiFi extender using the app. Here’s how to do it:

  • Ensure that your mobile device is connected to the WiFi network of your TP-Link extender.
  • Open the TP-Link Tether app on your mobile device.
  • Tap on the “Devices” tab at the bottom of the screen.
  • Find your TP-Link WiFi extender from the list of devices and tap on it.
  • On the device settings page, scroll down and tap on the “Reset” option.
  • A confirmation message will appear, informing you that resetting the extender will erase all settings. Tap “Yes” or “Confirm” to proceed with the reset.
  • Wait for the TP-Link WiFi extender to reboot. This process may take a few moments.
  • Once the extender has finished rebooting, it will be restored to its factory default settings.

Remember that resetting your TP-Link WiFi extender using the TP-Link Tether app will remove any customized settings, and you will need to set it up again after the reset.

Method 3: Using a Web Interface

If you prefer to use a computer or laptop to manage your TP-Link WiFi extender, you can reset it through the web interface. Follow these steps:

  • Connect your computer or laptop to the WiFi network of your TP-Link extender. You can do this by searching for the extender’s default WiFi network name (SSID) in your device’s WiFi settings and connecting to it.
  • Open a web browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge) on your computer.
  • In the address bar of the web browser, type in the default IP address of your TP-Link extender. The default IP address is typically “” or “”. Press “Enter” to access the extender’s web interface.
  • You will be prompted to enter the login credentials. By default, the username and password are both “admin” (without the quotes). Enter these credentials and click “Login” or “OK.”
  • Once logged in, navigate to the “System Tools” or “System” section in the web interface. Look for an option labeled “Factory Defaults,” “Restore Factory Settings,” or similar.
  • Click on the “Factory Defaults” or related option. A confirmation message will appear, informing you that resetting the extender will erase all settings.
  • Confirm the reset by clicking “Yes,” “Restore,” or “Confirm.”
  • The TP-Link WiFi extender will now reset to its factory default settings. This process may take a moment.
  • After the reset is complete, the extender will reboot, and you will need to set it up again from scratch.

Resetting your TP-Link WiFi extender through the web interface is a practical method for those who prefer using a computer or laptop for management. Just like the other methods, remember that resetting will erase any customized settings, and you will need to reconfigure the extender after the process is done.

What Happens When You Reset?

When you reset your TP-Link WiFi extender, several things happen:

Restored to Factory Default Settings: Resetting the extender erases all customized settings and restores it to its original factory default configuration. This includes network names (SSIDs), passwords, IP settings, and any other personalized configurations you may have made.

Network Disconnection: During the reset process, your TP-Link WiFi extender will disconnect from the network. This means that any devices connected to the extender will lose their connection temporarily.

Rebooting: After the reset, the extender will automatically reboot. During this time, the device may take a few moments to restart and establish a connection with the network again.

Loss of Connectivity: As the extender is reset, any existing WiFi network created by the extender will disappear. Your devices will need to reconnect to the extender once it has rebooted and reconfigured.

Setup Required: After the reset, you will need to set up your TP-Link WiFi extender again. This involves connecting to its default WiFi network (SSID) and accessing the web interface or using the TP-Link Tether app to configure the extender with your desired settings.

Resetting your TP-Link WiFi extender is often done to troubleshoot issues, restore functionality, or start fresh with the default settings. It’s important to note that after the reset, you will need to reconfigure the extender to establish a new WiFi network and reconnect your devices.

How To Reconnect TP-Link Extender?

To reconnect your TP-Link extender after resetting or if it has been disconnected, follow these steps:

Power on the TP-Link extender and ensure it is in a location where it can receive a stable WiFi signal from your main router.

On your computer or mobile device, go to the WiFi settings and search for available networks.

Look for the default WiFi network name (SSID) of your TP-Link extender. It is usually labeled with “TP-Link” or a similar name followed by a model number or variant.

Select the TP-Link extender’s WiFi network and click on the “Connect” or “Join” button.

If prompted, enter the default WiFi password for the extender. The default password can typically be found on a sticker on the extender itself or in the user manual.

Wait for your device to establish a connection with the TP-Link extender. Once connected, your device will be able to access the extender’s settings and interface.

If necessary, open a web browser on your device and enter the default IP address of the TP-Link extender (e.g., “” or “”) in the address bar. Press “Enter” to access the extender’s web interface.

Alternatively, if you have the TP-Link Tether app installed, open the app on your mobile device and follow the on-screen instructions to set up and configure your extender.

Proceed with the necessary configuration steps to customize your TP-Link extender’s settings, such as setting up a new network name (SSID) and password, adjusting advanced settings, or connecting it to your main router if it is a range extender or mesh extender.

By following these steps, you can reconnect your TP-Link extender to your network and regain access to its settings and functions.

How To Reconnect TP-Link Extender?

To reconnect your TP-Link extender, follow these steps:

Power on your TP-Link extender and ensure it is placed within the range of your main router’s WiFi signal.

On your computer or mobile device, access the WiFi settings.

Look for available WiFi networks and find the network name (SSID) of your TP-Link extender. It is typically labeled with “TP-Link” or a similar name, followed by a model number or variant.

Select the WiFi network of your TP-Link extender and click on the “Connect” or “Join” button.

If prompted, enter the WiFi password for your extender. If you haven’t changed it, you can find the default password on a sticker on the extender or in the user manual.

Wait for your device to establish a connection with the TP-Link extender. Once connected, your device will have internet access through the extender.

If necessary, open a web browser on your device and enter the default IP address of the TP-Link extender (e.g., “” or “”) in the address bar. Press “Enter” to access the extender’s web interface.

Alternatively, you can use the TP-Link Tether app on your mobile device to set up and configure the extender. Download the app, launch it, and follow the on-screen instructions to reconnect your extender.

Once connected to the TP-Link extender’s web interface or app, you can customize its settings, such as changing the network name (SSID), password, or adjusting advanced configurations.

By following these steps, you can successfully reconnect your TP-Link extender to your WiFi network and regain access to its functions and settings.

Issues That Can Be Fixed with a TP-Link Extender Reset

Resetting your TP-Link extender can help address various issues and problems. Here are some common issues that can be fixed by performing a reset:

Connectivity Issues: If you are experiencing frequent disconnections or weak WiFi signals from your TP-Link extender, a reset can help resolve these issues. Resetting the extender clears any potential software glitches or configuration conflicts that may be causing connectivity problems.

Configuration Errors: If you have made changes to the extender’s settings that have resulted in misconfigurations or conflicts, a reset can restore the device to its default settings. This allows you to start fresh and reconfigure the extender properly, ensuring correct settings and optimal performance.

Forgotten Login Credentials: If you have forgotten the login username and password for accessing the TP-Link extender’s web interface, performing a reset will restore the default credentials (“admin” for both username and password). This allows you to regain access to the settings and make necessary changes.

Network Compatibility Issues: In some cases, compatibility issues may arise between the TP-Link extender and your main router or other network devices. Resetting the extender can help clear any incompatible settings or configurations, allowing for improved compatibility and network performance.

Firmware or Software Updates: Resetting the TP-Link extender can also be beneficial when performing firmware or software updates. Resetting beforehand ensures a clean state for the update process, reducing the chances of errors or issues during the update.

Starting Fresh: Sometimes, users may prefer to start fresh with their TP-Link extender, erasing any previous configurations and customizations. Performing a reset provides a blank slate, allowing you to set up the extender from scratch with desired settings and preferences.

It’s important to note that resetting your TP-Link extender will remove any personalized settings, including network names (SSIDs) and passwords. After the reset, you will need to set up and configure the extender again to establish a new WiFi network.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I set up a TP-Link WiFi extender?

To set up a TP-Link WiFi extender, you typically need to connect it to your main router’s WiFi network, either through the WPS button or the web interface. Detailed instructions can be found in the extender’s user manual or on TP-Link’s support website.

How far can a TP-Link extender reach?

The range of a TP-Link extender can vary depending on the specific model and environmental factors. Generally, TP-Link extenders can extend the WiFi signal by up to several hundred feet, but obstacles like walls and interference can affect the range.

Can I use multiple TP-Link extenders in my home?

Yes, it is possible to use multiple TP-Link extenders in your home to expand the WiFi coverage. This can create a mesh network or a daisy-chain configuration, allowing for wider coverage in different areas of your home.

How do I update the firmware on my TP-Link extender?

To update the firmware on your TP-Link extender, you typically need to download the latest firmware file from TP-Link’s support website. Then, access the extender’s web interface and navigate to the firmware update section to upload and install the new firmware.

Why is my TP-Link extender not connecting to my router?

There can be several reasons why your TP-Link extender is not connecting to your router. Some common causes include incorrect WiFi password, signal interference, distance from the router, or compatibility issues. Troubleshooting steps such as resetting the extender, checking WiFi settings, and ensuring proper placement can help resolve the issue.

Can I change the network name (SSID) and password of my TP-Link extender?

Yes, you can change the network name (SSID) and password of your TP-Link extender. Access the extender’s web interface or use the TP-Link Tether app to modify the settings. It’s recommended to use a unique and secure password to protect your WiFi network.

Do TP-Link extenders support both 2.4GHz and 5GHz WiFi bands?

Yes, many TP-Link extenders support both 2.4GHz and 5GHz WiFi bands, allowing you to extend both frequencies simultaneously. This provides flexibility and compatibility with various devices that operate on different WiFi bands.